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The large majority of people have grown up wishing to succeed in something, 不管那是一种爱好, 一项运动, 学术或任何事情. 不幸的是, 70% of those young boys and girls who once wished for success in their sport give up by the young age of 13.
戒烟的主要原因是压力. 在体育界,压力是一种常见的情绪, 孩子们因此受苦是因为他们害怕失败. 
Nothing comes easy in life and you need to be willing to work hard and deal with any difficulties that come your way. 毅力不仅仅是克服压力的能力, 挑战与障碍, but It’s the ability to accept failure and use it as building blocks for your next challenge.
作为一名曲棍球守门员,我失败过很多次. 我的整个职业生涯就是起起伏伏. 不幸的是 for me, I’ve dealt with more failure than I have success.
虽然说起来很疯狂,但我很高兴我失败了. I’m glad I’ve struggled at a young age because it will shape me into a better person, 一个更好的品格和一个更好的运动员. As many times as I wanted to give up and no matter how much I wanted to quit, 我坚持了下来,并相信最终一切都会有回报.
我的父母对我的毅力有很大的影响. They were always there to support me when I was down and have always believed in my ability to succeed.
大约在去年的这个时候, I found out that I didn’t make the roster to represent Team Newfoundland at the Canada Games. Of course I was bothered by this loss because it could have been a great learning experience and a great chance to be seen in the hockey world. 我非常沮丧.
但那天晚上,我收到了我妈妈的短信. 她说:“忘记你没有赢的东西. Use how it makes you feel as motivation to succeed at your next goal. Take what you learned from that experience and add it to your personal foundation. Every loss, every failure and every challenge only makes your foundation stronger. 基础越牢固,就有越多的东西可以建造. The more there is to build from, the better and stronger your character will be. 你的性格越坚强,你就会越成功.”
这条短信改变了我对失败和失败的看法. 不要想着“如果我放弃了一个目标怎么办?? 如果我演砸了怎么办? 如果我输了怎么办?? 如果我失败了怎么办??想想所有可能的学习经历.
不要放弃. Persevere in everything, your studies, your athletics, and persevere to be the best person possible. 
" class="hidden">《寻龙记》